c13n RPC API



ChannelService exposes endpoints pertaining to channel management.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
OpenChannel 🔗 🔗 Opens a channel to a node.

Returns immediately after the funding transaction has been published,
but does not wait for the channel to be considered open.


ContactService exposes endpoints pertaining to contacts.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetContacts 🔗 🔗 Lists all current contacts.

Returns a list of all contacts currently in the database.
AddContact 🔗 🔗 Adds a node as a contact.

Accepts a node and adds them as a contact in the database.
RemoveContactByID 🔗 🔗 Removes a contact.

Accepts a contact id and removes it from the database.
RemoveContactByAddress 🔗 🔗 Removes a contact.

Accepts a contact address and removes it from the database.


DiscussionService exposes functionality pertaining to discussion creation, deletion and history.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetDiscussions 🔗 🔗 stream Creates a unidirectional stream from server to client
over which all discussions' info are sent.

The stream terminates when all discussion info is transmitted.
GetDiscussionHistoryByID 🔗 🔗 stream Creates a unidirectional stream from server to client
over which previously exchanged messages belonging to
a specific discussion are sent.

The stream terminates when all requested discussion messages are transmitted.
GetDiscussionStatistics 🔗 🔗 Calculates statistics about the requested discussion.
AddDiscussion 🔗 🔗 Adds a discussion to the database.
UpdateDiscussionLastRead 🔗 🔗 Updates a discussion's last read message.
RemoveDiscussion 🔗 🔗 Removes a discussion from the database.
Send 🔗 🔗 Sends a message.
Subscribe 🔗 🔗 stream Creates a unidirectional stream
over which to be notified of all transmitted messages.


MessageService exposes functionality pertaining to message creation and exchange.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
EstimateMessage 🔗 🔗 Estimates the route and fees for the requested message.

In case of failure (payment amount too large or small, payload too large),
an empty response is returned.
SendMessage 🔗 🔗 Sends a message

In case of failure (payment amount too large or small, payload too large),
an empty response is returned.
SubscribeMessages 🔗 🔗 stream Creates a unidirectional stream from server to client
over which all received messages are sent.

The stream does not terminate until the client stops it.


NodeInfoService exposes functionality pertaining to queries about node information.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetVersion 🔗 🔗 Returns version information about the current daemon.
GetSelfInfo 🔗 🔗 Returns info about the current underlying node.
GetSelfBalance 🔗 🔗 Returns the balance of the current underlying node.
GetNodes 🔗 🔗 Lists all nodes on the Lightning network.

Returns a list of all nodes visible to the underlying Lightning node,
including the address of the current node.
Nodes with private channels are not visible if not directly connected to
the underlying node.
SearchNodeByAddress 🔗 🔗 Searches for a Lighting node based on their Lightning address.

Returns a list of all nodes with that address, which will be at most 1.
The node must be visible from the underlying node.
SearchNodeByAlias 🔗 🔗 Searches for a Lightning node based on their Lightning alias.

Returns a list of all nodes with that alias visible from the underlying node.
ConnectNode 🔗 🔗 Connects a node as a peer.


PaymentService exposes payment and invoice functionality.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
CreateInvoice 🔗 🔗 Creates a new invoice.
LookupInvoice 🔗 🔗 Performs an invoice lookup.
Pay 🔗 🔗 Performs a payment.
SubscribeInvoices 🔗 🔗 stream Subscribes to invoice (final state) updates.
SubscribePayments 🔗 🔗 stream Subscribes to payment (final state) updates.
GetRoute 🔗 🔗 Attempts to find a route capable of carrying
the requested amount to the destination.
GetInvoices 🔗 🔗 stream Retrieves invoices from the database.
GetPayments 🔗 🔗 stream Retrieves payments from the database.



Corresponds to a request to add a node as a contact.

Field Type Label Description
contact ContactInfo The node to add as a contact.


A AddContactResponse is received in response to an AddContact rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
contact ContactInfo The newly added contact's information.


Corresponds to a request to add a discussion to database.

Field Type Label Description
discussion DiscussionInfo


An AddDiscussionResponse is received in response to an AddDiscussion rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
discussion DiscussionInfo


Represents a blockchain and network for a Lightning node.

Field Type Label Description
chain string The blockchain in use.
network string The network a node is operating on.


Corresponds to a request to create a peer connection with a node.

Field Type Label Description
address string The address of the node to connect.
hostport string The network location of the node.


A ConnectNodeResponse is received in response to a ConnectNode request.


A message representing a contact of the application.

Field Type Label Description
node NodeInfo The node corresponding to the contact.
id uint64 The contact id.
display_name string A contact's chat nickname.


Corresponds to an invoice creation request.

Field Type Label Description
memo string Memo of the invoice.
amt_msat uint64 The invoice amount (in millisatoshi).
expiry int64 Invoice expiry time (in seconds since creation).
private bool Whether to include hints for private channels.


A CreateInvoiceResponse is received in response to an invoice creation request.

Field Type Label Description
invoice Invoice The created invoice.


Represents the information for a specific discussion.

Field Type Label Description
id uint64 The discussion id.
participants string repeated The list of participants in the discussion.
options DiscussionOptions The default options applicable for all discussion messages.
last_read_msg_id uint64 The id of the last read message in the discussion.
last_msg_id uint64 The id of the last discussion message.


DiscussionOptions represents the per-discussion options.

Field Type Label Description
fee_limit_msat int64 The maximum fee allowed for sending a message (in millisatoshi).

If not set, the default fee limit, as defined in the app package, is used.
anonymous bool Whether to send as anonymous on this discussion.


Corresponds to a request to estimate a message.

Field Type Label Description
discussion_id uint64 The discussion id where the message is to be sent.
payload string The message payload (as a string).
amt_msat int64 The intended payment amount to the recipient of the message (in millisatoshi).
options MessageOptions The message option overrides for the current message.


A EstimateMessageResponse is received in response to a EstimateMessage rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
success_prob double The probability of successful arrival of the message,
as reported by the Lightning daemon's mission control.
message Message Contains the estimated route and fees for the requested message.


Corresponds to a request to list all contacts.


A GetContactsResponse is received in response to a GetContacts rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
contacts ContactInfo repeated The list of contacts in the database.


Corresponds to a request to create a stream over which to receive previously exchanged messages of the identified discussion.

Field Type Label Description
id uint64 The discussion id of interest.
page_options KeySetPageOptions The pagination options of the request.


A GetDiscussionHistoryResponse is received in response to a GetHistory rpc call, and represents an exchanged message.

Field Type Label Description
message Message The exchanged message.


Corresponds to a request for statistics about the requested discussion, identified by its id.

Field Type Label Description
id uint64 The discussion id.


A GetDiscussionStatisticsResponse is received in response to a GetDiscussionStatistics rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
amt_msat_sent uint64 The total amount sent in the discussion (in millisatoshi).
amt_msat_received uint64 The total amount received in the discussion (in millisatoshi).
amt_msat_fees uint64 The total amount of fees for sent messages in the discussion (in millisatoshi).
messages_sent uint64 The total amount of sent messages in the discussion.
messages_received uint64 The total amount of received messages in the discussion.


Corresponds to a request to receive all discussion info.


A GetDiscussionsResponse is received in the stream returned in response to a GetDiscussions rpc call, and represents a discussion.

Field Type Label Description
discussion DiscussionInfo


Corresponds to an invoice retrieval request.

Field Type Label Description
page_options KeySetPageOptions The pagination options of the request.


Corresponds to a request to list all nodes on the Lightning Network.


Corresponds to a payment retrieval request.

Field Type Label Description
page_options KeySetPageOptions The pagination options of the request.


Represents a hop hint.

Field Type Label Description
pubkey string Public key of hop ingress node.
chan_id uint64 The short channel id of the channel to be used for the hop.
fee_base_msat uint32 The base fee of the channel (in millisatoshi).
fee_rate uint32 The fee rate of the channel (in microsatoshi/sat).
cltv_expiry_delta uint32 The timelock delta of the channel.


Represents an Lightning network invoice.

Field Type Label Description
memo string The invoice memo.
hash string The preimage hash.
preimage string The invoice preimage.
payment_request string The payment request of the invoice.
value_msat uint64 The value (amount requested) of the invoice (in millisatoshi).
amt_paid_msat uint64 The amount paid to the invoice (in millisatoshi).
created_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The time the invoice was created.
settled_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The time the invoice was settled.
expiry int64 The invoice expiry (in seconds since creation time).
private bool Whether the invoice contains hints for private channels.
route_hints RouteHint repeated Invoice route hints.
state InvoiceState The invoice state.
add_index uint64 The add index of the invoice.
settle_index uint64 The settle index of the invoice.
invoice_htlcs InvoiceHTLC repeated The set of HTLCs paying to the invoice.


Represents an HTLC paying to an invoice.

Field Type Label Description
chan_id uint64 The short channel id of the channel the HTLC was arrived.
amt_msat uint64 The amount of this HTLC (in millisatoshi).
state InvoiceHTLCState State of the HTLC.
accept_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp HTLC accept timestamp.
resolve_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp HTLC resolve timestamp.
expiry_height int32 Block height at which this HTLC expires.


Corresponds to pagination parameters for requests. Represents a request for page_size elements, terminating with the element with id last_id. If reverse is true, the returned elements end with last_id.

Field Type Label Description
last_id uint64 The id of the first element of the requested range.
page_size int64 The number of elements to return.
reverse bool Whether the range starts or ends with last_id element.


Corresponds to an invoice lookup request.

Field Type Label Description
pay_req string Payment Request


A LookupResponse is received in response to an invoice lookup request.

Field Type Label Description
invoice Invoice The returned invoice.


Represents a message sent over the Lightning network.

Field Type Label Description
id uint64 The unique id of the message.
discussion_id uint64 The discussion id this message is associated with.
sender string The Lightning address of the sender node.
receiver string Deprecated. The Lightning address of the receiver node.
sender_verified bool Whether the message sender was verified.
payload string The message payload.
amt_msat int64 The amount paid over this message (in millisatoshi).
total_fees_msat int64 Deprecated. The total routing fees paid for this message across all routes (in millisatoshi).

This field is meaningful only for sent and estimated messages.
sent_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The time the message was sent.
received_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The time the message was received.
payment_routes PaymentRoute repeated Deprecated. The routes that fulfilled this message.

This field is meaningful only for sent and estimated messages.
preimage string Deprecated. The preimage belonging to the associated payment.

This field is only meaningful for received messages and
messages sent successfully to non-group discussions.
pay_req string Deprecated. The payment request this message was paid to.

If empty, corresponds to a spontaneous payment.
payments Payments
invoice Invoice


Represents messaging options.

Field Type Label Description
fee_limit_msat int64 The maximum fee allowed for a message (in millisatoshi).
anonymous bool Whether to include the sender address when sending a message.


A message representing a node on the Lightning network.

Field Type Label Description
alias string A node's Lightning alias.
address string A node's Lightning address.


A NodeInfoResponse is received in response to a node query.

It contains all visible nodes corresponding to the query.

Field Type Label Description
nodes NodeInfo repeated The list of Lightning nodes matching the query.


Corresponds to a request to open a channel.

Field Type Label Description
address string The address of the node to open a channel to.
amt_msat uint64 The total amount to be committed to the channel (in millisatoshi).
push_amt_msat uint64 The amount to be sent to the other party (in millisatoshi).
min_input_confs int32 The minimum number of confirmations
each input of the channel funding transaction must have.

In case of a negative value being provided, unconfirmed funds can be used.
target_confirmation_block uint32 The number of blocks the funding transaction should confirm by.

Used for fee estimation.
sat_per_vbyte uint64 The fee rate (satoshis per virtual byte) the funding transaction should cost.


An OpenChannelResponse is received in response to an OpenChannel call.

Field Type Label Description
funding_txid string The channel funding transaction.
output_index uint32 The output index of the funding transaction.


Corresponds to a pay request.

Field Type Label Description
pay_req string The payment request to pay to.
address string The address to pay to.
amt_msat uint64 The payment amount (in millisatoshi).
options PaymentOptions The payment options.


A PayResponse is received in response to a pay request.

Field Type Label Description
payment Payment The returned payment.


Represents a Lightning network payment.

Field Type Label Description
hash string The payment hash of the payment.
preimage string The preimage of the payment hash.
amt_msat uint64 The payment amount.
created_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The time the payment was created.
resolved_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The time the payment was finalized.
pay_req string The fulfilled payment request (if any).
state PaymentState The payment state.
payment_index uint64 The payment index.
HTLCs PaymentHTLC repeated The payment HTLCs.


Represents an HTLC attempt of a payment.

Field Type Label Description
route PaymentRoute The route of the HTLC.
attempt_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The time the HTLC was sent.
resolve_timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp The time the HTLC was resolved.
state HTLCState The HTLC state.
preimage string The preimage used to settle the HTLC.


Represents a hop of a route of a message.

Field Type Label Description
chan_id uint64 The channel id.
hop_address string The address of the hop node.
amt_to_forward_msat int64 The amount to be forwarded by the hop (in millisatoshi).
fee_msat int64 The fee to be paid to the hop for forwarding the message (in millisatoshi).


PaymentOptions represents the payment's options.

Field Type Label Description
fee_limit_msat int64 The maximum fee allowed for sending a payment.


Represents a route fulfilling a payment HTLC.

Field Type Label Description
hops PaymentHop repeated The list of hops for this route.
total_timelock uint32 The total timelock of the route.
route_amt_msat int64 The amount sent via this route, disregarding the route fees (in millisatoshi).
route_fees_msat int64 The fees paid for this route (in millisatoshi).


Represents a list of payments.

Field Type Label Description
payments Payment repeated The list of payments fulfilling a message.


Corresponds to a request to remove a contact.

Field Type Label Description
address string The Lightning address of the contact to remove.


Corresponds to a request to remove a contact.

Field Type Label Description
id uint64 The id of the contact to remove.


A RemoveContactResponse is received in response to a RemoveContactBy* rpc call.


Corresponds to a request to remove a discussion.

Field Type Label Description
id uint64 The id of the discussion to remove.


A RemoveDiscussionResponse is received in response to a RemoveDiscussion rpc call.


Represents a route hint for assistance in invoice payment.

Field Type Label Description
hop_hints HopHint repeated A chain of hop hints that can reach the desetination.


Corresponds to a route discovery request.

Field Type Label Description
pay_req string The payment request to pay to.
address string The address to pay to.
amt_msat uint64 The payment amount (in millisatoshi).
options PaymentOptions The payment options.


A RouteResponse is received in response to a route discovery request.

Field Type Label Description
route PaymentRoute A route that can fulfil the requested payment.


Corresponds to a node query based on node address.

Field Type Label Description
address string The node address to search.


Corresponds to a node query based on node alias.

Field Type Label Description
alias string The node alias substring to search.


Corresponds to a query to retrieve the balance of the underlying lightning node.


A SelfBalanceResponse is received in response to a GetSelfBalance rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
wallet_confirmed_sat int64 The confirmed balance of the node's wallet (in satoshi).
wallet_unconfirmed_sat int64 The unconfirmed balance of the node's wallet (in satoshi).
channel_local_msat uint64 The local balance available across all open channels (in millisatoshi).
channel_remote_msat uint64 The remote balance available across all open channels (in millisatoshi).
pending_open_local_msat uint64 The local balance in pending open channels (in millisatoshi).
pending_open_remote_msat uint64 The remote balance in pending open channels (in millisatoshi).
unsettled_local_msat uint64 The local balance unsettled across all open channels (in millisatoshi).
unsettled_remote_msat uint64 The remote balance unsettled across all open channels (in millisatoshi).


Correponds to a query to retrieve the information of the underlying lightning node.


A SelfInfoResponse is received in response to a GetSelfInfo rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
info NodeInfo General node information about the current node.
chains Chain repeated A list of chain networks the node is operating on.


Corresponds to a request to send a message.

Field Type Label Description
discussion_id uint64 The discussion id where the message is to be sent.
payload string The message payload (as a string).
amt_msat int64 The intended payment amount to the recipient of the message (in millisatoshi).
pay_req string A payment request (invoice) to pay to.

If empty, a spontaneous message is sent.
If specified, discussion_id is not used and should not be specified.
Instead, the message will be sent to the discussion associated with
the recipient specified by the the payment request (which will be
created if it does not exist).
The discussion_id will be returned in the response.
options MessageOptions The message option overrides for the current message.


A SendMessageResponse is received in response to a SendMessage rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
sent_message Message The sent message.


Represents a request to send a message.

Field Type Label Description
discussion_id uint64 The discussion where the message is to be sent.
pay_req string The payment request to fulfil.

If empty, a spontaneous message is sent.
A discussion with the recipient node will be created if it does not exist.
amt_msat int64 The intended amount to be used for payment to each recipient.
payload string The message payload.
options MessageOptions The message options for the current message (overriding any discussion options).


A SendResponse is received in response to a Send rpc call.

Field Type Label Description
sent_message Message The sent message.


Corresponds to a subscription request for invoice updates.


Corresponds to a request to create a stream over which to be notified of received messages.


A SubscribeMessageResponse is received in the stream returned in response to a SubscribeMessages rpc call, and represents a received message.

Field Type Label Description
received_message Message The received message.


Corresponds to a message subscription request.


Corresponds to a subscription request for payment updates.


Represents a request to update the last read discussion message.

Field Type Label Description
discussion_id uint64 The discussion id.
last_read_msg_id uint64 The message id to mark as the last read.


An UpdateDiscussionResponse is returned in reponse to an UpdateDiscussionLastRead request.


A message containing the current c13n version and build information.

Field Type Label Description
version string The semantic version of c13n.
commit string The commit descriptor of the build.
commit_hash string The commit hash of the build.


Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)